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E.61 How To Start a Podcast with Heather Parady

 Have you been thinking about starting a podcast but are not sure how? We get this question all the time at She Heals The World and have decided to invite one of our favorite podcasters on the talk show this week to answer this question. "How do I start a podcast?" Today, our guest is Heather Parady. She is has come to join us to talk about hosting your own podcast. She is the host of her own podcast called Unconventional Leaders, which is a top-rank podcast that interviews leaders all over the world.


 Heather’s mission started when she was in graduate school, she discovered a website called Online Space Content Creation while she was also starting a business on the side.


“I was just amazed by this thing that I discovered on my phone where I could just talk to people across the world.” 



Parday fell in love with the impact of the media and the power and potential that can come from it. After graduating from graduate school with her master’s and getting her business liscense, she was so excited to get job offers because of the nudge that it gave her to start her own brand online.

 Heather said that she felt guilty because her family had to sacrifice so much and then going to school on top of that, it’s very expensive. Her insecurity also got the best of her and the fact of trying to prove herself pushed her to get the degree. Wanting to do something different was a crazy thought, but she needed to make money, and heading in another direction was calling her. 



She gives some entail about what it takes to makes a podcast. She makes it clear that “you cannot just ask how do you monetize a podcast, that’s not how it works.”

Here are some tips that Heather used to help her begin strengthening her skills as a podcaster:

It takes time to make an audience.

Go into it with a mindset that this is a service.

Realize what are the skill sets at your hand.

Gain expertise.

 Heather did not start out doing podcasts out the bat, she had to figure out her skill set. So she went from editing shows and making pieces for shows and her audience got higher. Her doing freelance made got her to strengthen her skills. She has had Sam Jones, Seth Godin, Jack Handfield, and more. For Heather talking to and reading books from people that can have an impact on you is really what drives her.

 Some things to think about for wanting to create a podcast:

Ask yourself if it’s a desire or a calling.

Start taking action.

Be willing to look like a beginner.

Have a deep love for service.

Be consistent.

A lot of organization.

Takes Time.

 Parady states that she intentionally picks people to be on a podcast that bigger people know. She wants to build good relationships with the people that she interviews as well because who knows what happens down the road.

Heather also gives tips on how to grow your podcast stats and stay on the chart:

Remind people of what your mission is.

Consistently reminding people that you’re a podcaster.

Staying on the charts.


 If Heather could look back ten years at her younger self that the gift of the calling of God is revocable. The thing that sets you apart is your gift. Trust that hand that it’s leading you to go. 


If you want more of Heather Parady go check out her podcast Unconventional Leaders or learn more about her here: 

and here:



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