E.13 Featuring Lexi Harrison: How to grow an Instagram account for brand deals (soup to nuts) and why it matters


On today's episode, we bring on Lexi Harrison from Crowded Kitchen to share her tips on How to grow an Instagram account for brand deals (soup to nuts) and why it matters. Lexi and her mom Beth, decided to launch Crowded Kitchen after over two years of sharing their photography and plant-based recipes on Instagram. Now, they're full-time bloggers and food photographers with a focus on plant-based cooking and how to feed a family despite multiple dietary differences.

On this episode, Lexi shares how she landed her first brand deal, what works today on Instagram and how you can use a tough time in life to create a business you are proud of.

You can learn more about Crowded Kitchen at https://www.crowdedkitchen.com/

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